of Birth: 12th December, 1880 and Date of Death: 17th
November, 1976
Abdul Hameed Khan Bhashni, who strove hard in freedom movement and in the
movement for a socialist society till his last stage in life, was born on 12th
December, 1880 in Dhongra, a village in Sirajgunj district in Bangladesh. His father was Sharafath Ali Khan. He discontinued his education after
completing primary education. In 1907,
he restarted it and completed his religious education in 1909 in Darul Uloom in
Deoband, Uttar Pradesh. During that
period, his association with famous freedom fighters like Moulana Mohammadul
Hasan made him to understand the ills of British imperialism. Ever since he started working as teacher in a
school at Kagmaari in 1909, he extended his cooperation to armed
revolutionaries till 1913. In 1917, he
moved closely with Desabandhu Chittaranjan Das and took a plunge into active
politics by joining ‘National Party’.
Later, he was inspired by Moulana Mohammed Ali and took membership in
Indian National Congress. He started
participating in the anti British activities.
As a result, he was imprisoned in 1920.
Soon after his release from the jail, he joined in Khilafat and Non Cooperation
Movement and was jailed again. Moulana
started working for Independence and Socialism since he was attracted towards
Socialist ideology. He continued his
activities condemning severely the British Imperialism. In 1930, Moulana took membership in All India
Muslim League and was elected for the first time to Assam Assembly from Dubri
constituency. He used to explain
socialism in the back drop of the basic tenets of Islam during his discourses. Thus his teachings gained the name of
‘Islamic Socialism’. He declared that
all the natural resources are the common property of all the people. He always fought on behalf of toiling people
with his thought and practice based on socialist ideology. People started calling him ‘Red
Moulana’. He started two Bengali
weeklies ‘Ittefaq’ and ‘Haq Katha’ to serve the interest of the
people. He played pivotal role in
founding political parties and organising democratic movements which profoundly
influenced the Political and Geographical history of Pakistan. Moulana Abdul Hameed Khan Bhashni was always
averse to power and position and was on the side of people, till he breathed
his last on 17th November, 1976 in Dhaka.
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